how to fix blown circuit breaker



A blown circuit breaker can be a frustrating and inconvenient issue to deal with. It can disrupt the flow of electricity in your home or workplace, affecting your daily activities. Understanding how to fix a blown circuit breaker is essential knowledge for every homeowner, as it can help you save time and money by troubleshooting the problem yourself before calling an electrician. In this article, we will guide you through the process of fixing a blown circuit breaker, step by step. We will discuss the causes of a blown circuit breaker, the tools you will need for the job, and the necessary precautions to take to ensure your safety.

Common Causes of a Blown Circuit Breaker

A blown circuit breaker occurs when the electrical current exceeds the limit that the breaker can handle, causing it to trip. This protective mechanism prevents overheating and potential electrical fires. Understanding the common causes of a blown circuit breaker can help you prevent future occurrences and identify the root of the problem quickly. Some of the common causes include:

Overloaded Circuit

An overloaded circuit is one of the most common causes of a blown circuit breaker. It happens when the amount of electrical current flowing through the circuit exceeds its capacity. This can lead to overheating, which in turn causes the breaker to trip. Overloaded circuits commonly occur when you plug too many devices into a single outlet or circuit. It is essential to distribute your electrical load evenly and avoid plugging high-wattage appliances into the same circuit.

Short Circuit

A short circuit occurs when a hot wire comes into contact with a neutral wire or when two hot wires touch each other. This creates a low-resistance path for the electrical current, causing it to surge and trip the breaker. Short circuits can happen due to damaged insulation, loose wires, or faulty connections. Identifying and fixing short circuits is crucial for maintaining electrical safety.

Ground Fault

A ground fault happens when an exposed wire or a faulty appliance comes into contact with a grounded surface, such as a metal frame or a water pipe. This can cause the electrical current to flow through an unintended path, leading to a ground fault. Ground faults can be dangerous, as they can result in electrical shocks. Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) are designed to detect ground faults and automatically trip the circuit to prevent harm.

Old or Faulty Breaker

Over time, circuit breakers can wear out or become faulty, leading to frequent tripping. If you have ruled out the possibility of an overloaded circuit, a short circuit, or a ground fault, it is worth checking the breaker itself. If you notice signs of wear and tear, such as rust or burned markings, it may be time to replace the breaker. Faulty breakers can be a potential fire hazard and should be addressed promptly.

Faulty Appliances

Another possible cause of a blown circuit breaker is a faulty or malfunctioning appliance. A defective device can create an electrical imbalance, leading to a circuit overload or a short circuit. If you suspect that a particular appliance is causing the issue, unplug it and try resetting the breaker. If the breaker does not trip, then the faulty appliance may need repair or replacement.

Tools Required for Fixing a Blown Circuit Breaker

Before attempting to fix a blown circuit breaker, it is essential to gather the necessary tools and materials to ensure a smooth and safe process. Here are some of the tools you will need:


A screwdriver is an essential tool for working with circuit breakers. It is used to open the breaker panel and remove the cover, allowing you to access the breakers inside. Make sure to choose a screwdriver with an insulated handle to reduce the risk of electrical shock.


Working inside a breaker panel can be dark and challenging. Having a flashlight on hand will help you see clearly and navigate the panel safely. Make sure to use a flashlight that is suitable for electrical work and has a non-conductive body.

Wire Strippers

A wire stripper is a handy tool for removing insulation from wires. It allows you to expose the copper conductor without damaging it, making it easier to connect or disconnect wires when necessary. Make sure to choose a wire stripper that is suitable for the wire gauge you are working with.


A voltmeter, also known as a voltage tester, is used to measure the voltage level in an electrical circuit. It can help you determine if a circuit is live or if there is an electrical current flowing. A voltmeter is an essential tool for troubleshooting electrical issues and ensuring your safety.

Wire Nuts

Wire nuts, also called wire connectors, are used to secure and join electrical wires together. They provide a safe and reliable connection, preventing loose or exposed wires that can lead to short circuits or electrical shocks. Make sure to choose wire nuts that are suitable for the wire gauge and the number of wires you are connecting.

Electrical Tape

Electrical tape is used to insulate and protect electrical connections. It helps prevent accidental contact with live wires and keeps the connections secure and free from moisture or dust. Make sure to choose electrical tape that is rated for electrical use and is suitable for the voltage level you are working with.

By having these tools ready, you can ensure that you are well-prepared to fix a blown circuit breaker efficiently and safely.

Precautions When Working with Circuit Breakers

Working with circuit breakers involves dealing with electricity, so it is crucial to take the necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

Turn Off the Power

Before starting any work, make sure to turn off the power to the affected circuit. This can be done by switching off the corresponding breaker in the main breaker panel. Turning off the power will prevent the risk of electric shock and ensure your safety while working on the circuit.

Wear Protective Gear

When working with circuit breakers, it is essential to wear the appropriate protective gear. This includes safety glasses to protect your eyes from any debris or sparks, as well as insulated gloves to protect against electric shock. Additionally, wearing long sleeves and closed-toe shoes can provide further protection.

Avoid Wet Conditions

Working with electrical components in wet or damp conditions can be extremely dangerous. Moisture can lead to electrical shorts and increase the risk of electrical shocks. Make sure to work in dry conditions and avoid touching electrical components with wet hands.

Stay Clear of Live Wires

When working on a blown circuit breaker, always assume that the wires are live unless you have verified otherwise using a voltmeter. Avoid touching exposed wires or terminals with your bare hands. It is best to use insulated tools when making any connections or adjustments within the breaker panel.

Do Not Overload Circuits

To prevent future blown circuit breakers, be mindful of the electrical load you are placing on each circuit. Avoid plugging too many devices into a single outlet or circuit, and distribute the load evenly across different circuits. This will help prevent overloads and minimize the chances of tripping breakers in the future.

Taking these precautions will help ensure that you can safely fix a blown circuit breaker without endangering yourself or others.

How to Fix a Blown Circuit Breaker

Now that you understand the common causes of a blown circuit breaker, have the necessary tools, and are aware of the precautions to take, let's delve into the step-by-step process of fixing a blown circuit breaker.

Step 1: Identify the Tripped Breaker

The first step is to identify which breaker has tripped. When a breaker trips, it will be in the middle or "off" position, not lining up with the other breakers that are "on." You can visually inspect the breakers or refer to the label provided on the breaker panel to identify the circuit associated with the tripped breaker.

Step 2: Turn Off the Tripped Breaker

Before attempting any repairs, it is crucial to turn off the tripped breaker. This can be done by manually switching it to the "off" position. This step ensures that you are working with a de-energized circuit and eliminates the risk of electric shock.

Step 3: Inspect the Circuit

After turning off the tripped breaker, inspect the circuit for any signs of overload, short circuit, or ground fault. Look for damaged wires, loose connections, or any appliances that may have caused the issue. If you identify any faulty or damaged components, make a note of them for further investigation or repair.

Step 4: Reset the Breaker

Once you have identified and addressed any issues in the circuit, you can proceed to reset the breaker. Start by switching the breaker to the "on" position. You may hear a clicking sound as the breaker engages. If the breaker trips immediately or shortly after resetting, this indicates an ongoing problem that requires further investigation.

Step 5: Test the Circuit

After resetting the breaker, test the circuit to ensure that it is functioning correctly. You can do this by plugging in a known working appliance or using a voltmeter to check for voltage. If the circuit operates normally without any issues, then the problem is likely resolved. However, if the breaker trips again or you encounter other electrical problems, it is advisable to consult a qualified electrician for further assistance.


Fixing a blown circuit breaker is a task that can be accomplished with some basic knowledge and the right tools. By understanding the common causes of a blown circuit breaker, having the necessary tools, taking the required precautions, and following a step-by-step process, you can troubleshoot and resolve the issue yourself. However, it is essential to prioritize your safety and consult a professional electrician if you are uncertain or uncomfortable with performing the repairs yourself. By taking the time to address a blown circuit breaker promptly, you can ensure the smooth operation of your electrical system and maintain a safe and comfortable living environment.


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